How Family Lawyers Can Start Their Own Podcast And Why

One means of marketing online that family lawyers should consider is podcasting. If you are unsure what podcasting is, the easiest explanation is that a podcast is an audio recording on a specific subject published online for others to listen to. Those listening to podcasts will do so on their PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone like they would music.

The difference with the podcast is that it is primarily the spoken word used for the content. It follows, therefore, that the reasons that people listen to podcasts include to be educated, to consume information about a subject they are interested in, to discover the latest trends and developments within a given niche, and on many occasions, it can be entertained by what they are listening to.

Talk About What And To Whom?

We must point out that the possible niches and subjects upon which a podcast or series of podcasts can be based are virtually limitless. If an audience is interested in a subject, then there is the opportunity to create podcasts. Also, note that members of that audience can be located anywhere in the world.


Let Me See My Children

What Happens If A Child Wishes To Live With A Particular Parent

Whenever a couple who have children divorce there will many matters relating to those children that they will need to discuss with their family lawyers. Multiple aspects of those children’s lives need to be agreed and one of the most important will be which parent the children will live with.

That is usually the mother, however, there is nothing in Australian family law that states that has to be the case.  In fact, although children may live primarily with their mother, their father will share parental responsivity for their children.

This means that both parents will be required to discuss and agree on significant elements of each child’s upbringing. These include the choice of school for the child, decisions relating to their health, and how the child is going to be educated with regards to cultural and religious matters.


What Can I Do If My Ex-Partner Refuses To Let Me See My Children?

As Divorce Lawyers Perth will tell you, children are often weaponised during a divorce by either the mother, the father or both parents. Sadly, and invariably, there is never a winner if this happens, and the people most likely to suffer are the children, through no fault of their own.

This weaponisation can be done in many ways such as using the children as some kind of bargaining chip when it comes to agreeing on the financial settlement, or by trying to influence the children to say untrue things in the court if they are asked questions as part of family report.

Even after the court has issued its order with regards to the divorce, and the children, in particular, the dust doesn’t always settle. Unfortunately, there are many instances where the parent with whom the children live still try to use them in a way that they think punishes their ex-partner.

One of the most common of these is where the children live with their mother, and despite the court ordering shared parental responsibility and visitation, she tries to stop the father from seeing the children. We should point out this can also happen when the roles are reversed, and it is the father stopping the mother seeing her children.

If you are the parent being denied the chance to see your children, then it can be upsetting and also a cause for anger, which is understandable.

One thing you cannot do is try to see the children forcibly by turning up early at their school for example and taking them with you. That could be the quickest way of seeing yourself in court, but for all the wrong reasons.
